A little rushed…

I always know that I can’t possibly do what I want to do but yet I try and jam a million things into my day and all it does it make me frazzled! 🙂 Today was a good day for my health (minus the stress). I am not a fan of packing for  trip because I am always afraid that I am going to forget something. I have been rushing around cooking, packing and cleaning since I got home around 7pm and it is now 10pm! Yikes!

* For breakfast I wanted something quick and simple: a Tim Horton’s Cinnamon Raisin Bagel  and a coffee did the trick! 🙂

carby goodness

carby goodness

* My mid-morning snack  was another Fuji Apple. My day doesn’t feel complete without a copy of pieces of fruit.

* Lunch was a re-run. Actually a re-re-run. haha I had the Quinoa dish and Chicken again. It was tasty as I already knew it be and luckily I finished up the last of it! 🙂

you lovely, lovely lunch :-)

you lovely, lovely lunch 🙂

Product Recommendation Alert:

Now the highlight of my day was FINALLY getting to try the YouBar’s I designed myself through the lovely company YouBar (www.youbars.com). Now there is a little bit of saga behind these bars. I was VERY excited about creating my own bars. I saw the recommendation for this product on a few other foodie blogs. Check the YouBar site out! In sum, you choose everything that goes into the bar (very healthy, very organic options) AND you get to name the bar! How exciting is that? I was thrilled! I ordered them at the beginning of April and I just received them yesterday because they got lost in the mail! Fortunately Joel  over at YouBar was very helpful and basically was willing to help any way he could. I very much appreciated that!

I was so excited about creating my own bars, I created two different kinds:

Melissa’s Bar of Love: Ingredients: Organic Dates, YouBar Base (Almond Butter, Organic Dates), organic clover honey, Whey Protein Isolate, semi-sweet chocolate chips, organic sunflower seeds, organic walnuts, organic raisins, organic coconut, organic granola (organic whole grain rolled oats, organic crisp brown rice, organic whole rolled spelt flakes, organic rolled barley, flakes), apples, pear juice concentrate, organic oat bran, vanilla extract, soy milk powder, all-one vitamin infusion.

Energy: 185 cals, 9grams fat, 3grams fibre, 6 grams protein, Sugar 18grams, Carbs 24grams, Vit A- 10%, Vit C- 67%, Calcium- 24%, Iron 6%

Melissa’s Bar of Love II: Ingredients: organic peanut butter, organic dates, organic clover honey, semi-sweet chocolate chips, organic cashews, pecans, organic coconut, cranberries, whey protein isolate, soy protein isolate, nutty rice cereal (rice flour, rice bran, raisin juice concentrate, honey, salt), all-one vitamin infusion, organic coffee

Energy: 198 cals, 10 grams fat, 2 grams fibre, 22grams carbs, 7grams protein, Vit A- 10%, Vit C- 67%, Calcium- 13%, Iron- 4%

Look at these babies:

my very own bars!!

my very own bars!!

I tried Melissa’s Bar of Love AND……I absolutely loved it!!! I can’t tell you just how tasty it was!! I also enjoyed the texture and the combination of tastes!  It had almost a crumbly texture because of the fresh, organic ingredients AND there were full chunks of the nuts and fruits. The bar had the perfect amount of sweetness! It filled my belly and helped to maintain my energy levels throughout my workout. I can’t wait to try Melissa’s Bar of Love II and then create many more!!

Creating your own bars is such a great idea and YouBar is an excellent source!! Thank you, YouBar!

Work Out Recap

I went for another run today to prep for the big Vancouver Half-Marathon I will be running on Sunday. I kept a slow pace and it felt really good.

Stats: 1 hour, 7miles, Average Pace: 9:18 Min/Mile

*After my workout I was actually hungry. I went back to work to grab a banana for a post-workout snack.

* I had some great ideas for dinner and I hit the grocery store before coming home. I wanted to do something again with yams. I also picked up a zucchini to throw into the mix.

chop chop

chop chop

I threw the zucchini and yam in a pan with some tasty olive oil.

oh yeah

oh yeah

I also threw in some onions and green beans.

step 3

step 3

I wanted to add some protein to the meal so I pulled out my good old George Foreman Grill and seasoned some lovely chicken breasts to make it quick.

mmmm chicken

mmmm chicken

Finally, I wanted some more veggies so I created a lovely, colourful salad with: baby spinach, strawberries, sprouts, green peppers, sweet corn, green peppers, scallions topped with raspberry vinagrette. I was very pleased with everything! So tasty, so satisfying!

final product

final product

I made extra of everything so I could pack a lunch and a dinner for tomorrow. My flight to Vancouver leaves at 5pm tomorrow and I didn’t want to be stuck with airport or airplane food so I packed up some of the zucchini/yam/green bean dish I made AND I made a lovely wrap with some chicken breast, tomatoes, sprouts, baby spinach all on a spinach wrap with some fat-free mayo. I much prefer my creations any day of the week!

I can't wait to eat this!

I can't wait to eat this!

packed for the airport!

packed for the airport!

I also packed some bars and fruit to snack on! You can never be too prepared!! 🙂

snacky snacks!

snacky snacks!

 Well its almost 11pm, I’m still frazzled and still have some last minute things I have to do so I am prepared for tomorrow! I should have some free time tomorrow when I land in Vancouver to do some blogging!

Have a great night!!

Published in: on April 29, 2009 at 10:46 pm  Comments (22)  

It’s Almost Bedtime!

My  Goodness the clock keeps on ticking by! I had a really busy day! It’s 9pm and I am FINALLY sitting down to blog.

Today was a good day 🙂

* I woke up wanting oatmeal for breakfast so as soon as I got in to work, I made some to go along with my mandatory cup of Timmy’s.

* I had the last piece of fruit on my desk for my mid-morning snack: a grapefruit. I have been fortunate because I keep picking sweet, juicy ones! Yum

* Lunch was a repeat of yesterday with the wonderful Quinoa dish I made with a small piece of chicken. So tasty!

happy belly

happy belly

* I was still hungry so I had some really juicy pineapple for dessert. Does anyone want to recommend an exotic fruit I can try??



* My stomach requested one more afternoon snack around 3pm. I had another kick-ass peanut butter cookie  that I made on Sunday. I teamed that with some Yoplait Light Yogurt. Perfect snack!

I had another one of these bad boys

I had another one of these bad boys

 Work-Out Recap

I wanted to get a good run in before the half in Vancouver this Sunday. My stomach gave me a little trouble so I didn’t go as long as I would have liked.

Final Stats: 7.1Miles, 1Hour, 5Minutes, Average Pace: 9:08Min/Mile

I really truly do run much more quickly outside. I am fine with still keeping the pace slow on the treadmill. It makes the run feel much more leisurely.

* My post-workout snack was a Weight Watchers cream-filled twinkie like concoction. I know: totally unhealthy. When one of my colleagues saw the package he said something along the lines: “Don’t twinkies defeat the whole purpose of Weight Watchers?” hahah I don’t agree but it is definitely not a healthy option for an after-workout snack.

* I wanted to use up some veggies in the fridge for my dinner. I diced up some green peppers, sliced up some scallions, and shredded some carrots.

nice colours

nice colours

I then threw the veggies in a pan with cooking spray and added some frozen peas.

nice aromas

nice aromas

I didn’t keep the veggies on the stove for more than 5 minutes. I wanted to add a little more to the dish so I threw in some whole wheat couscous.



I was also craving a Garden Burger so I heated one up and put it atop a piece of whole wheat bread with a little fat-free mayo. I also added some sweet corn. What a great combination!

final product

final product

I also had one of these little devils:

my lil chocolate fix

my lil chocolate fix

I have a lot to do in the next two evenings because I leave for Vancouver Thursday directly from work! I started packing because I don’t want to forget any essentials- especially my running gear!

Question: Can anyone recommend some fabulous (healthy) eateries I should check out while in Vancouver???

Have a great eve!!

Published in: on April 28, 2009 at 9:21 pm  Comments (4)  

Rain, Rain Go Away!

As you can see, I didn’t make it back here last night. I didn’t get home until 10PM and I was incredibly exhausted. I think I was sleep-walking from the cab into my house.  It was a glorious sleep. Do you find some nights you are just so exhausted from all the goings-on? Monday are always jam packed for me!

* I knew I needed to start the week out right with oatmeal for breakfast. I love how it warms me up and keeps me full for hours.  Lately I have been trying to use up the individual packets of Quaker Oats in a variety of flavours. I generally take one flavoured packet and mix in some plain Quaker Oats from my big bag of oats in my desk. I also top it with some Oat Bran. I feel so healthy from go!

* My mid-morning snack consisted of a juicy, sweet orange. It was actually the one I picked up at the 10K on Saturday and I am so glad I decided to bring it to work yesterday.

my sweet

my sweet

* I was looking forward to my lunch because the Quinoa dish I made on Sunday was on the menu. It is so flavourful! This weekend I will attempt to add the recipes I use to my recipe box! You have to try this one for sure! I also had a small piece of grilled chicken and the last piece of sweet corn on the cob.

the perfect lunch

the perfect lunch

I knew the best way for me NOT to eat all the Peanut Butter Cookies I made on Sunday was to bring them to work. haha They were a huge hit. How can peanut butter cookies with a chocolate centre not be?? 🙂 I stole one peanut butter cookie  for an afternoon snack and put the rest out for everyone else.



*I had an additional afternoon snack with a Fuji apple. Fruit makes me happy.

*Monday nights are always spent at the office and as a result my desk turns into my dinner table.  One of my colleagues was sick of where all the guys were ordering dinner from so she suggested an AMAZING alternative: Fresh!

Fresh is a organic vegan restaurant that serves nothing but fresh amazing things! I believe they only have locations in Toronto. If you live in Toronto or come to Toronto, you must go here!

Check out the menu:


I had the Holiday Wrap which was a whole wheat tortilla wrap stuffed with marinated tofu cubes, red onions, alfalfa sprouts, avocado, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, grated carrots, vegan mayo and aged cheddar! I also had a side salad that had the most interesting ingredients: grated carrots & beets, sunflower sprouts & pumpkin seeds on a bed of greens.

So good! So fresh! So satisfying! I can’t wait to order from there again!

* I wanted a little something sweet for dessert so I opted for a mini granola bar.

Workout Recap

By 8pm, I was feeling quite tired and was not up for a run so I decided to make friends with the elliptical. I find the elliptical much less intense than running but at the same time I feel like I am getting a workout. I got on the machine for an hour at a pretty quick pace. It was refreshing and made me feel much better. I love how the gym does that! I hope to be working out until I’m 90!

Have a fabulous day and I will definitely be back later!

Question: Do you have a stash of food in your drawer at work??

I have all sorts of things including Larabars, Luna bars, mini dark chocolate squares, Quaker bars, crackers, trail mix, etc etc! A lot actually. You never know when you will need a snack! I also always have a few fresh pieces of fruit on top of my desk. Speaking of which, I need to restock that…

Published in: on April 28, 2009 at 9:32 am  Comments (2)  

Confessions of a Food-a-holic

If I ever wrote an autobiography, the title would definitely be Confessions of a Food-a-holic. I am a lot of other things but I don’t think a good book title wound include everythinv I am a “holic” of.

So my stomach would just not stop last night and I ended up snacking on two more things before calling it a night! Two more things that didn’t add to the nutrition of the day that is for sure! Although, I am a believer in quelling cravings with a sampling of what you are craving.

Sweets were the order of the day yesterday (as you will see below).

sweet sweet snack

sweet sweet snack

And a few handfuls of this mix I picked up in the States. I LOVE the vanilla squares within the mix the best. They don’t put very many in the bag so they are all gone now!



Have a fabulous afternoon! I will be back later! 🙂

Published in: on April 27, 2009 at 12:58 pm  Comments (7)  

Holy hungry mama!

Today my stomach is an endless pit! I am going to blame it on the 10K run and all the non-stop cooking and cleaning! I am having one more (not-so-healthy) snack. haha  I scream for ice cream! Yum!

my craving won out

my craving won out

If I had a large freezer, I’d make my own ice cream. 🙂

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I accomplished a lot but still have a lot to do! This coming week will be very busy! Thursday night I am off to Vancouver to run a half-marathon!

Sleep well!

Published in: on April 26, 2009 at 9:59 pm  Comments (1)  

No rest for me..

I have been very BUSY all afternoon and into the evening. No rest for me on this Sunday. I decided on what recipes I would make for my lunches for the week. I went to check to see if I had a few things in the cupboard before heading the to grocery store and that ended up turning into a two hour cleaning event! I look at it as a positive because I was able to inventory everything I have in my cupboards and clean everything up and wipe everything down. Check out my awesome spice collection.

spice it up

spice it up

And from another angle:

my collection

my collection

Before I started cooking, I wanted a snack. I had a cereal mix that included Kashi Heart to Heart, Bear Naked Vanilla Granola and Oatmeal Crisp all topped with Soy Milk. I also snuck in a few squares of chocolate throughout the afternoon.  (oooopps!)

C is for Cereal

C is for Cereal

One of the dishes I decided on for my lunches was a recipe for Quinoa with Scallions and Carrots. Quinoa always pleases me and I haven’t had it in awhile.

The first step was to shred and chop some scallions.

chopping block

chopping block

After heating the olive oil in my favourite pan, I sauted the scallions and carrots for about 2 minutes.

starting to smell wonderful

starting to smell wonderful

After 2 minutes, I added the organic quinoa to the pan I had simmered for the previous 15 minutes in a pot.

all together

all together

I wanted to include some protein in my lunch while using up the chicken thighs I had in the fridge. Before cooking the Quinoa dish, I put the thighs in a bowl with some lemon pepper seasoning to allow for the chicken to pick up some of the spices. I sprayed another pan with cooking spray and cooked the thighs for about 10-15 minutes.

nicely browned

nicely browned

Finally, I packed it up in the very convenient re-usable plastic containers ready to take to work!

brown bag it!

brown bag it!

It was time for dinner after all that cooking! I took the some of the Quinoa  dish and put it on a plate. I added a little bit of chicken, some corn on the cob, carrots and baby cucumbers. The Quinoa dish turned out very well! One of the ingredients was orange juice and it complimented the scallions and carrots. Next week I will start adding the recipes I use to my recipe box so you can enjoy too!

mmmmm dinner

mmmmm dinner

Before I even began cooking dinner, I gave into my desire to bake something. I knew the main ingredient had to be peanut butter! I found a great recipe for Peanut Butter Cookies.  Look at the lovely steps and end product:

mix it up

mix it up

looks good

looks good

freshly baked

freshly baked

And a little taste for the chef:



The cookies turned out very well! I used organic crunchy peanut butter and organic spelt flour instead of what the recipe called for. They turned out almost fluffy- so good! And the little chocolate piece on top is the perfect addition. (Note: picture doesn’t include the third cookie I ate- haha)

I can’t believe it’s after 9pm! I haven’t rested at all today and I still have things to do! Have a fabulous evening!

Published in: on April 26, 2009 at 9:15 pm  Leave a Comment  

An Eventful 24 Hours!

Yesterday was so gorgeous until about 5pm- an awful storm came! I wasn’t surprise given that I had a 10K run this morning. haha

I had a Kashi Go Lean Malted Chocolate  bar while at the GO Station waiting for the train to Burlington. It was REALLY good. It was like I was eating a chocolate bar. I ended up only eating half of it with a coffee. I chowed down on the other half on the GO train.

tasty treat!

tasty treat!

*Soon after getting to Burlington, we decided it was time to eat dinner so our stomachs would settle and everything would be digested for the run in the morning. We kept it very simple with whole wheat pasta and roasted red pepper tomato sauce. It was really good and filled my belly!

running fuel!

running fuel!

I had a relaxing evening with the Wii. We played Dance Dance Revolution- what a blast! So goofy. That is a game I would like to play with a few drinks! haha We also tried the Wii Fit. According to that thing I am not in very good shape. I find it hard to believe given how much I work out and eat properly. Ah well. I also had a small bag of Smart Pop Kettle Corn- one last satisfying snack before bed. We called it an evening quite early because the alarm was going off at 6am!! (on a Sunday!! yikes!)

* I wanted a little bit of fuel before the run but nothing too heavy given how sensitive my stomach is. For breakfast I had the Cliffs Bar- Iced Gingerbread. It was the perfect breakfast before a run.

one last fuel

one last fuel

Run Re-Cap

The official name of the run I participated in this morning was called the Oakville 10K. They had great sponsors! And you know what that means: great goodie bag! We got everything from a toothbrush with a spinning head to New Balance socks to Epsom salts! Plus the official run shirt is great quality!

The temperature was perfect! The sky was still overcast and we were just hoping the rain would hold off. I was very determined to finish the run in under an hour. I succeeded!

Run Stats: (according to Nike Plus): 6.57miles, 51 minutes, 16 seconds, Average Pace: 7:47 min/mil!

I don’t see any official times listed on the website. I am sure that will come out in an email next week sometime. When I was crossing the finish line the clock said 53 minutes roughly. I always stay at the back of the pack so I don’t start exactly during the official start so that may account for the discrepency. At any rate, I am quite proud of myself.



the bling

the bling

I wasn’t particularly hungry upon finishing the run. I decided I should have a piece of fruit to help with the replenishment.

love bananas!

love bananas!

I felt really good after the run! I always feel like I have accomplished something, especially when it is an organized event. Mike and I made the mandatory stop at Tim Horton’s. I had a coffee and a cinnamon raisin bagel without any toppings. I was satisfied. The shower afterward was wonderful. I was wet and cold from the drizzle.

mmm carby bagel

mmm carby bagel

After returning home, I was already feeling hungry. I wanted to use up one of the whole wheat pitas I purchased last week to assemble some sort of sandwich. I melted some cheese in it and the added some chicken breast and chopped green peppers with a side of baby carrots. Very tasty!! I would have preferred something a little more homemade but I was too hungry to cook.

a simple lunch

a simple lunch

I still have to choose recipes so I can cook my lunch for the week among other things! There are not enouh hours in the day! 🙂 I wanted to bake too. I better get to work because I have a lot I want to accomplish in what remains of Sunday.

Have a great afternoon!

Published in: on April 26, 2009 at 2:14 pm  Comments (3)  

Productive Morning and a Creative Lunch..

This is my typical relationship with cleaning: I say I will take care of one task in particular and it snowballs into a million things and the next thing you know three hours have gone by! The end product is always very pleasing though.

Around 12:30pm, I started to get a little hungry again and it was time I got started on cooking some lunch. I wanted to try something different while using up a few of the items I had in the fridge. Here is what I pulled out:

time to cook!

time to cook!

I ended up pulling out: chicken thighs, pineapple, soya sauce and garlic powder. I was anxious to combine the sweet with the salty to create something pleasing to the tastebuds.

First I diced up some of the gorgeous pineapple:

perfect sweet

perfect sweet

Next I diced up a chicken thigh and applied some garlic powder:



I wanted the chicken to cook a little before I added anything else so I put it in a small pan with a little bit of Pam to cook.

smells good

smells good

After about 5-7 minutes, I added the pineapple and just a bit of soya sauce. It was really beginning to smell good!

add some colour

add some colour

To complete the meal, I had the leftover Yam (sweet potato??)/Green Bean dish I made yesterday. I also added some beets, carrots and baby cucumbers. So amazing!



And from another angle:

so good

so good

I was very impressed with my creation. It was a tad salty so next time I will dilute the soya sauce a little bit.  All the flavours made my taste buds tingle!

As I mentioned before, I am participating in a 10K race tomorrow. I run 10K a few times a week so I am not worried about it. My main goal is to speed up! I hope my body cooperates! The race is in Oakville so I am going to stay at my friend’s place tonight since he lives closeby. There was no way I was getting up at 5am to get there on a Sunday. It works out because I get to spend time with him- we plan to play the Wii! I am leaving shortly so I had to get my things together.


I also packed some bars so that I can have one tomorrow before the run. I couldn’t decide on one so I packed a few. I may also snack on one on the GO Train on my way to Burlington. I also packed some Smart Pop-Kettle Corn in case we want a snack tonight.

snack time!

snack time!

I also packed my Whole Foods Market Cookbook to read on the train and find some great recipes.

cooking inspirations

cooking inspirations

I also packed this VERY FUNNY book I am reading right now entitled Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle By: John Rolfe and Peter Troob. It is very very funny. I highly recommend this book if you work or have worked in investment banking because you will completely get it. I think those who haven’t worked in investment banking would find it funny too- I just find it really funny because I see things that happen in the book, happen in real life. haha



I also decided it was these shoes that will make me go fast tomorrow:



Well I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful day outside! I am going to head out soon and soak up some sun!

Oh one last food item. I was snacking on this tasty thing while I blogged:

perfect snack

perfect snack

Published in: on April 25, 2009 at 2:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

What a perfect temperature..

For a girl who grew up way up in northern, I thoroughly dislike the cold. People have this misconception that because I grew up in the cold, I am “used it to.” Unfortunately you don’t get used to freezing your bum off. haha At any rate, this warmer weather makes me VERY happy. It’s a joy to go outside.

I woke up relatively early for a Saturday morning: 8am. I wasn’t feeling hungry at all so I decided to take my crazy Laylay out for a walk. The temperature made me very happy!! The sun isn’t quite out but that didn’t matter. No coat needed!

* Once I get back from my walk, it was definitely time for breakfast. I put on half a pot of coffee with Second Cup Coffee Beans. The scent of coffee is very pleasant to me! I was also craving some eggs but I wanted to do something different so I first chopped up some red peppers and onions to incorporate them.



I took one egg and about 1/2 cup of egg whites and mixed them together with the veggies.

omelette prep

omelette prep


in the pan

in the pan

 I could always use some peanut butter and jelly so I decided that was the best option for my whole wheat toast.



I also had a side of fruit….the pineapple I bought last week is still going strong. Perfect sweet.

mmm sweet

mmm sweet

Now I need to explore my recipe books to see what new things I can try!

Have a great afternoon and I will be back later. 🙂

Published in: on April 25, 2009 at 10:45 am  Leave a Comment  

Weekly Reflection

Happy Friday Fellow Foodies! 🙂 What an eventful week! It’s amazing how one piece of paper (law school acceptance) can change everything! I also feel so good right now physically and mentally from all the healthy choices I made this week!

On most Fridays I feel a sense of relaxation- today was no exception. A few of the bosses were out of the office so that added to it being an easier day. 🙂

* Breakfast was a large bowl of pretty much the last of the All Bran Strawberry Medley cereal I have at work. This cereal is perfect for me: it offers health while still maintaining a sweet taste. In the next month or so I definitely want to try to make my very own granola!

for my fellow cereal lovers

for my fellow cereal lovers

* My mid-morning snack was a delicious Gala apple. I can never have enough fruit. I actually crave it.

A is for Apple

A is for Apple

* Unfortunately I did not have a homemade dish for lunch. I always have a stash of soup boxes in my drawer at work for emergency situations. I wanted to try one I had not had before: V8 Tomato Herb. I must say that it is definitely not my favourite. It lacked flavour and was almost like watered-down tomato sauce. I MUCH prefer the Knorr soups.

tomato soup

tomato soup

* The soup wasn’t very filling so I had a Hungry Girl Oatmeal Breakfast Cookie right away. Soooo goood! I have to start a page within my blog that holds m favourite recipes. This one will definitely be posted there. Perhaps a weekend project?

Cookie Monster!

Cookie Monster!

* Around 3pm, my hunger returned and I wanted to try something I had not had before. I opened my trusty drawer full of snacks and found a package of the Fibre One Toaster Pastries- Strawberry Flavour that I had picked up in the US the last time I was there. Fibre One products have always pleased me and they kept their good name after I finished this lovely snack with a cup of Peppermint Tea. The Fibre One line also offers great nutrition and TONNES of fibre (hence the name :-p). Most people do not consume enough fibre within a day- perhaps try one of these products?

fill your belly with fibre

fill your belly with fibre

Workout Re-cap

So I snuck away from my desk shortly before 4:30pm-shhh! don’t tell my boss! My energy levels were wonderful and I was looking forward to a steady run!  My main issue with working out at the end of the day is my energy levels tend to drop then. The most optimum workout time is definitely between 10am and 2pm but unfortunately, it is very rare I can leave my desk in between these times. At any rate, I was feeling pretty good at 4:30. There were barely any other ladies at the gym today! (The ladies cardio is seperate from the men’s at my gym). I had a WONDERFUL run.

Stats: 7.1 Miles, 1hour, 5 minutes, Average Pace: 9:08 min/mil

Wahhooo! What a great end to the day!

* On the train ride home, I knew it was time to re-fuel before dinner. I opted for my absolute favourite Quaker Oats Delight bar!  It’s the banana and coconut combination that makes my tastebuds very happy! I also downed so much water. As I said in a previous post, I have roughly 4 Litres per day.



* The highlight meal of my day was definitely the dinner I prepared! I had envisioned something particular in my head and I succeeded in my endeavour! I swung by the grocery store to pick up a few ingredients for the creation I had in mind: a yam (please help- I always thought sweet potatoes were the same as yams- am I right or wrong???), some onions (I was out), some fresh green beans, and some wonderful spices. I picked up a new spice I have never had before: McCormick Roasted Garlic and Sea Salt with a built in grinder. I was pretty excited about trying it!

added flavour!

added flavour!

I then got out my cutting board and cut the yam into chunks and chopped just under half of an onion.



I then got out one of my favourite pans and threw in just over  1 tsp. of olive oil and set it to heat. When it was just right, I added the yam and onion with some of the roasted garlic and sea salt spice.

starting to look good..

starting to look good..

I put a lid on it to allow for the moisture to help cook the yams. After about 10 minutes or so I chopped up some green beans and added them to the mix. It was really beginning to smell amazing and the colours of the veggies looked appetizing!

getting hungrier..

getting hungrier..

In the fridge I still had a piece of the breaded chicken thighs I made yesterday. I always find meat the day after always tastes better because it has time to soak in the seasoning.

re-run from yesterday

re-run from yesterday

I also had a craving for cheese. I know how bad processed cheese is but I really wanted some Cheese Whiz. Sometimes cravings must be dealt with. Does anyone have a healthy, organic alternative to Cheese Whiz?? Please let me know! To justify the Cheese Whiz, I steamed some broccoli and cauliflower. Wonderful combo! I also added some dark purple to my plate via beets. This dinner was by far the best of my week! The yam/onion/green bean dish was out of this world good!! I am still sitting here satisfied with myself and my ability to cook. hehehee



I hope you are all enjoying your Friday evening! I plan on having a sweet snack now and flipping through some of my many recipe books for some great ideas.. 🙂

Published in: on April 24, 2009 at 9:12 pm  Leave a Comment